Zahnarzt, Bad Essen 1 Arzt- mehr: Zahnheilkunde
Beschreibung, FragenEMPFOHLEN
TOP-Service für Lingualtechnik GmbH
49152 Bad Essen, Schledehauser Straße 81
Orthodontists wishing to use the lingual technique to treat malocclusions can send their silicone impressions to us. Our technicians will then pour out your impressions twice to get a set-up and a malocclusion model. The target situation realised in the set-up will be digitized using a 3d-scanner and based on this set of data we will generate precisepositioning the brackets virtually. The brackets will be printed by a rapid prototyping machine, a kind of 3d-wax-plotter, and then cast in gold and positioned on the malocclusion model to manufacture the transfer tray for indirect bonding. The individual archwires are bent in a computer-aided bending robot. Finally, you will receive a set of individually-bent wires and the transfer tray. The advantages of this INCOGNITO system are quick and easy handling and a great variety of treatment options for the orthodontists,the resulting short chair times as well as the highest patient comfort that is technically possible at present.